Question by ~Happy~: I’m interested in working in film but not sure where to start or which career would be best for me?
I’m interested in working in film but not sure where to start or which career would be best for me?
I’d probably be interested in writing and/or editing and producing films ( television possibly but more interested in film and possibly theatre )
I write a lot and am still continuing my college education which is general arts really ( English, psych etc )
If I were to take a film production program for 2 years what could this enable me to do? Do I need to have a mountain of cash to try and work on making films or can I start with writing, editing and assistant director etc?
Advice needed and appreciated! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Dana
Especially in today’s economy, no college program can get you the career you’re looking for unless you’re doing a lot of work on the side to develop both expertise about the environment of your field and the relationships you’ll need to break in. If you’re interested in a career in film, you should talk to an adviser at your school about the paths you’re considering. This person may be able to help you identify the steps you need to take to get started.
In most industries, and film is no exception, internships are key to finding employment post-graduation. You should keep your eyes open for internship opportunities that may be advertised through your school’s career center. But also, you should find out which companies you might like to work for and contact them directly to see if they offer internships and, if so, how to apply for them. Put the word out to your family, friends, and acquaintances that you’re looking for jobs or internships in the film industry – you never know who can help you make an important connection.
Most importantly, remember two things: (1) no job is too humble to start out as long as you’re using the opportunity to network with the right people and (2) there is no “big break” – success comes bit by bit and you have to work continually to maintain your standing in the industry.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!