Question by Brad B: Is documentary “esoteric agenda” about the occult and illuminati a load of horse dung or scary truth?
I began to watch esoteric agenda and I’ve been looking up the information given and conclusions drawn from the info and I have found relatively nothing. The movie suggests that the cause of the American Revolution was Rothschild a banking organization…?? I’ve found no such evidence! The Movie also suggests that all the influential figures in America are descendants of the Illuminati and says that Bush is a direct descendant of Godfrey De Bullion (the first ruler of the kingdom of Jerusalem) I’m highly skeptical of the accuracy of the evidence and the conclusions drawn from the evidence… I think the movie is highly interesting and I would really like to know if the stuff is true… If you say yes please provide where (resources) you can verify some of the facts and implications that this documentary provides.
Best answer:
Answer by Patrick G
It’s a complete load of crap made by paranoid lunatics who are several sandwiches short of a picnic.
All these people are interested in is making money and spreading their insanity. Seriously some of these people believe that the world is ruled by space lizards. Don’t let yourself get sucked into their paranoid hell
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