Question by Anya S: Is it legal to film a web page for a documentary?
Where can I find legal information on filming a web page (or parts of) for a documentary?
Thank you for the link.
I’m not filming them to plagiarize anything =)
The doc is about colleges and college students. I wanted to use college websites as a reference.
Prefer not to contact the colleges for permission because not sure what a student might say about said college. I figured that if we kept it clean and showed only a part of the website it might work.
I’m looking into getting an entertainment lawyer, but wanted to check things out for myself
thanks for the replies =)
Best answer:
Answer by tonalc1
Almost everything created privately and originally after April 1, 1989 is copyrighted and protected whether it has a notice or not.
However, there might be an exception in the fair use doctrine, which means that if you are doing things like comment on a copyrighted work, making fun of it, teaching about it or researching it, you can make some limited use of the work without permission.
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