Question by besimple: Is it necessary to learn the piano for vocals to enter music academies or universities?
I need advise from music teachers, vocalist or any music universities. I’m now 16 and i have a dream. I wish to study in a music universities after graduating high school. I just started having vocal classes(2007) two years ago and theory classes this year (2009). It seems like I have passion for opera singing and i would like to study this in future.
And currently, i have been pretty busy with my school works and co-curricula works.And next year(2010) I’ll be taking an important exam (SPM) set by the country which is important to do well in it. And the following year(2011) there will also be another important exam (SUEC) set by the independent schools of malaysia. Both of these exams are very important to me in future.
Meanwhile, I checked some music universities studies. Most of them was written there that their classes include vocalization and the expressive interpretation of songs and opera. All students are required to take choral, piano and solfeggio classes. In addition, students also take classes in the theory and history of Western music.
But I dunno anything about Choral, Piano and solfeg.
Should I start learning it now in order to get better chances to get into these music universities?
Frankly, I’m scared I’ll mess everything up and at the end i wont do good in both studies and music.
Should I just learn to cope everything up?
Should I learn the piano now?
Should I just give up this dream because it’s to late to learn so many things now?
I really wish someone can give me some guidance on this path.
Thak you 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by ♫The Twins♫
i don’t know about vocals
but for some schools i know u need at least gr. 6 piano
for instrumental music…
sorry i wasn’t much help
i wouldnt give up though
that would be really stupid if u wanted to do this
taking piano lessons might be a good idea
it could help your vocals staying in tune.
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