Question by Dreamcast2001: Is there a way to do video capture from a DVD on Final Cut Pro for Macs?
I’m doing an editing project in film class and have to make a 1-2 clip from a movie of my choice, so is there a way to insert a dvd and capture video from a dvd?
Best answer:
Answer by nathan75932
Hey. I’m a FCP user as well, and this subject has always bugged me. I haven’t found an easy solution that works. Basically, you need a ripping program, and i think that’s where the magic comes in, because i can’t find one that puts the video into the right formats. I’ve used MacTheRipper to some success. You can choose to de-mux the DVD, and it will give you a mpeg-2 file and a AC3 or something else and Compressor doesn’t recognize it to put it into a usable file format. You can put the mpeg-2 file into FCP, change the scale, and then render, but it takes for-ever, and especially if you’re adding ffilters, it can be difficult. For the audio, i’ve used audio capture software and my D/A converter as well. I’ve used the D/A converter for both audio and video, but the copyright protection messes up the video signal. I have also experimented with HandBrake, but it likes to re-compress, and i don’t like that.
So, what i have it down to is to use MacTheRipper to demux the video signal, then send the file to Compressor, and apply the DV NTSC quicktime codec. Then I take HandBrake and grab the audio from there, and sync it in FCP.
That’s all i know…. I don’t import DVDs for projects very often, but it would be nice to know a more efficent way, so if you find one, let me know. Thanks!
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