Question by jeannie_kitten: Is there such a thing as spirits contacting the living though dreams?
I had a vivid dream of a man doing tests on a girl using clamps and classical music, he was testing the effects of electricity on the human body. My dream started out as me turning on the tv to watch a documentary but when it started I was more of a fly on the wall. I only saw one of the victims and she was a pretty blonde girl. In my dream I was told that it was 1891 (same calendar year as we are currently in) and the man didn’t see himself as a serial killer but instead as a scientist helping mankind. He killed many girls and no one seemed to notice except for someone who sent a girl to the place and the devil told her to say “rr rc #4 rr” to the man and it would stop him. It stood for “Road restricted rail crossing #4 road restricted”. After she was there I woke up.
I’ve been googled and was also directed by a friend to H H Holmes because my description reminded her of what he did… apparently he prefer blonde females as victims. I dream often and I can explain things in my dream with what happened during the day but this was different then any other dream I remember and it came out of no where with too many specific details. Yesterday was the first I heard of H H Holmes and after reading some stuff a lot of what he did and my dream connect.
Best answer:
Answer by Tim A
The short answer is no, but to fully understand exactly what is going on here, I recommend you read this short article titled “The Nature of Dreams.” It will answer a lot of your questions:
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