Question by etrembl5: need conversation topic for short films dialogue?
im writing a short film about a couple who get caught in an elevator. they start talking and realize they never really talked and don’t really know that much about each other. they start talking and find out good and bad things about each other that only bring them closer in the end. Any thoughts on what they could talk about? no crazy secrets (like pregnancy or the girls really a guy… nothing like that). very realistic topics.
Best answer:
Answer by donovan
dear god do not make it a casual convo; work, neighborhood, etc. ok so look im a fuckin genius. when the doors close on the elevator there is some profane shocking graffiti on the doors that’s starts with a silent awkward reaction to it. hmmmmmmmmm. make it really juvenile like something only a small child would laugh at or draw in a public place. then head to the climax, panic worry, blah blah. they give up then grow silent. then after some time of waiting the silence is broken by a joke made about it. they start reading all the graffiti, having convo, getting to know one another. Use what you can.
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