Question by akane827: need help in writing a fiction for a film class!!!?
i need help in writing a script for a 10 minute student video project about anything fiction. i came up with a premise but need help with the details. i would love any ideas or suggestions that i would be able to film.
A babysitter meets this nice married couple for a babysitting job. after the interview, she gets it, but finds out that she is babysitting a stuffed animal. I have a friend (girl) to be the babysitter and two people to be the married couple. I also may be able to use the setting of my friend’s place who has a baby so that I can have baby stuff around like a crib, etc.
I was thinking of having the reason for the married couple treating this stuffed animal as a child would be that it reminded them of their child they were about to have, but the mother had a miscarriage. the stuffed animal is something the husband bought to give to their child when it was born. maybe after she lost the child somehow, she becomes barren. i need to work on this reasoning a bit more. it would be hard to film their child getting killed somehow since i don’t have a child actor to use.
i don’t know how to start the film. should i introduce the babysitter on a deaper level? i want it to be mostly about the babysitter and her relationship with the toy. i want her to connect with it somehow, maybe she finds the secret about the parents and becomes sympathetic. im not sure how i will make her connect with the toy. also i don’t know how to conclude the film.
any suggestions/ideas/constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!!! thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Kathy L
i like it
maybe the mum could have a mentle illniss?
and the dad gose along with it???
you could start with a shot of the babysitter in a job interviw and not geeting the job then her walkinghome?? going to sleep ???
waking up ??? looking in the paper fo a job ???
hope it helps
xoxo kathy
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