Question by Giocool2: Need opinions for a School movie?
OK, so this is the deal. in my college class of film production, I was asked to make short film of 2 minutes, without dialog. In other words I have to transmit the message trough body language. now I’ve tried to think about a lot! but i don’t seem to end with nothing good! I ask this community if I can get some ideas of what can my short film should be about. if choose your answer with an idea i will give you credit in the movie, and also post it in you-tube. i know this sounds like I’m a lazy butt, but I seriously need help! thanks for your support.
Best answer:
Answer by lespitefire
I’m also studying film, and our first two projects were without dialogue.
What kind of message do you need to transmit through body language? Anything so long as it conveys a feeling?
Something that might work for you is what my second project was: a moment of decision for your main character. It had to be a decision about an action (not an opinion/change of an opinion). See if you can come up with a storyline for that.
Hope this helps.
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