Question by croftman86: New Camcorder , any suggestions ?
I am wanting to begin making small independent films. I do not want that “home family video” look. I want a little bit of the movie atmosphere look, you Filmmakers know what i mean. I have a spending range from around $ 300-$ 1400.
Any brand names, camera styles anything will be appreciated.
Thanks for ur time.
Best answer:
Answer by Charles R
I bought a Hitachi DVD Camera. It has served me well. But, like you I wanted more out of it. So, I purchased additional lens, both wide angle and telephoto. I also invested in filters that would cut down on glare when shooting through glass, color filters, and a few star filters that make a candle twinkle. I use a tripod to insure the movie does not jump or twist. I also invested in editing software such as Pinnacle Studio 10. Expensive yes, but worth it.
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