Question by Michelle M: Octo Mom is trying to get a reality show? I won’t watch. Will you?
Cameras could follow “Nadya dating, taking the kids to birthday parties, learning how to drive a 14-person van,” Czech explains.
He said he hopes to have a deal in place by the “end of next week.”
“Production companies…would like to [do] some light filming now of the infants [now] and then sort of wait until they are starting to walk and learning to talk and things like that,” Czech says.
“Maybe take some short clips in between but nothing [steady] until [the octuplets are] walking,” he goes on.
How much money has Suleman been offered?
“I think she could survive,” he says. “I don’t know how comfortable it would be on one or these deals. Of course, it depends on how long they last.”
She is still getting donations via her Web site, Czech adds, including a check for $ 1,000 she received yesterday.
Best answer:
Answer by [[♥]]
Didn’t she say she doesn’t want to be famous and wants to vanish from the public?
I bet she will have a reality show…I’ll watch just to see how she reacts
and handle things..
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