Question by markmovieman: Please help me translate this passage. I am making a fake biography/documentary for film class and?
I am making it about a man with a photographic memory who has an ability to quickly learn languages. Each paragraph will be in a different language with subtitles. My teacher loves the idea and says that I can do it as long as the grammar is 100% correct. I need the first paragraph translated into spanish. Here it is:
To start out with, I was born on June 16, 1987 in London, England. I lived there for 12 years of my life where my father owned a local restaurant. My mother worked at the local pharmacy and I spent most of my life in my bedroom reading. I can recall every single word of every book I have ever read. I received perfect marks in school and I graduated college at the age of 11. Soon after, I was contacted by the United States government to assist them in some important classified maters.
Best answer:
Answer by Profuy
Para comenzar, nací el 16 de junio de 1987 en London, England. Viví ahi durante 12 años de mi vida.
Mi padre tenía un restaurant local. Mi madre trabajaba en la farmacia local y yo pasaba la mayor parte de mi vida en mi dormitorio, leyendo. Puedo recordar cada una de las palabras de cada libro que he leído. Yo recibía calificaciones perfectas en la escuela y me gradué en la universidad a la edad de 11 años. Poco tiempo después de mi graduación, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos se puso en contacto conmigo para ayudarlos en importantes temas clasificados.
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