Question by Someone Else: Question about getting my 35mm film developed w/ digital copies (NYC)?
I shot 3 roles of good old fashioned 35mm film (not professional, kodak 400 color print film). Then I had a few shots left and my boyfriend and I were drunk and he shot me topless/ nude. I’m 22, so it’s not kiddie porn or anything, 2 adults having fun haha. Anyway, I don’t remember which role it was. Where in NYC can I legally get my film processed? I don’t need prints, just digital copies. Is it legal/ a good idea to just bring it to my neighborhood 1 hour photo, or maybe even Duane Reade?
I used to work in Jersey at CVS’s 1 hour photo when I was in high school but all I remember is being told the policy was if we saw anything that looked like it could be underage porn, we had to report it. I never actually saw anything pornographic though. The pictures I took weren’t that pornographic, more artistic but that’s subjective. I just don’t want to go to pick up my pictures and have to talk to the police.
Thanks for any help!
yeah… no.
serious answers from adults please
Best answer:
Answer by ShaMRocK
Send them to me and I will take care of it for you for free!
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