by uniondocs
Question by Reptar88: Questions about Depth of Field, 35mm lenses and Jag35 adapters…?
I am new to Depth of Field. My application: video production. I am buying a Canon hv30 (to shoot in 1080 at 24p) and I’m also looking at getting a Jag35 adapter and a 50mm f1.2 lens (if I can find one that’s affordable).
I have a few questions about this stuff:
Why is it called a ’35mm’ lens adapter if it can take 50mm lenses, 85mm lenses, etc.?
How does it work? (link please)
What’s the difference between F1.2 and F1.8 for a 50mm lens?
Why are lenses so expensive and where can I find an affordable 50mm f1.2 lens?
Jag35 Adapter Comparison Chart:
What’s the difference between static, vibrating, and spinning, and which one is better/more preferrable?
What does ‘Interchangeable GG’ mean?
What’s an ‘Interchangeable Mount’?
What is ‘Achromat’?
What is a ‘Shrigg Rig’?
Any websites that will explain all this technial stuff for a DoF newbie like me?
Feel free to message me if you want…I am in the market for equipment to begin my senior film project–I’m making a documentary film.
Best answer:
Answer by Bruce M
Lets do the parts I can do.
35mm adapter is so you can use lenses that are used on 35mm film cameras on your camera.
The f 1.2 lets more light in then does the f1.8 lens. These both let in ore light then a f2.0 lens and a lot more light then the ever popular 4.5-5.6 lens that are zoom lenses being sold now.
Hope that helps
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!