Question by solaris: Should I give up my dream of 1 day becoming a Hollywood Director?
I have tried SO hard to get my Script noticed with Production Exec’s in Hollywood. I know I need a Degree from a Film Scool if I’m ever going to even be in with a chance of Directing my1st Film. But I just can’t afford the fee’s for the L.A. Film School, which is the School I one day hope to attend. I mean, not everyone has $ 51,060 lying around in their back pocket. Sigh. It’s just so so hard. I really don’t think there’s anything more I can possibly do to achieve my dream. I’m loosing my self-confidence day after day and the most painful thing is I’m just seeing my Film rot in a drawer in my bedroom. A Film which i KNOW, if one day made, will go on to become a Box Office Hit. Some might say that’s just my ego, but it isn’t – I’m not in this for the money & I’m not doing it for the fame. Hell I’d even Direct it for free if it meant I could! I just WISH there was a way I coul just………..leap. Take a chance…..and get there. Somehow. Ive tried everything: SPonsorship requests; grants; hel I’ve even written to Steven Spielberg. Of course, I got no response. But every single avenue I travel down, every “new plan” I come up with, I always end up banging my head of a wall yet again. It hurts because there could be some otgher person who can afford to attend the L.A. Film School and they might not have a passion. They might just want to get famous. And it’s not like that wih me.
Should I keep perseveering, like I have been doig for the past year – (I’m 19) – or should I keep trying and trying and praying for a miracle, that my Project will maybe ge noticed? I was thinking of wriing to all the Agent’s and Manager’s of my Film’ Projected Cast, just to get the Film out there. Just so they at leat know about it. That’s my next port of call anyway. I don’t know what it’ll achieve, if anything. But knowing my luck with this dream of mine so far, I’ll probably just end up banging my head against that brick wall yet again. Sigh.
Should I give up? After all this……really?
Any help; opinions; advice; support; positive + negative criticism welcome.
Blue Spirit ::: )
Best answer:
Answer by Megan
I think you should keep trying
your only 19 you still have a chance of making
don’t give up on your dreams
if you think you can direct the film then you can
i have a dream of becoming an actress and I’m never going to give up on that. You should always follow your dreams. What’s wrong with taking a leap of faith? And if you give up now won’t you always wonder what could of been?
(just my advice)
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