Question by babydoll32: Techniques for shooting a first-person POV short film?
For my film class I need to make a short film and will be telling the story of the life of a single mom by seeing all that she does in a day. I plan on shooting from a first-person POV and am just wondering if you guys had any ideas of how to make the images appear more realistic and in conveying the heartwrenching emotions the mother experiences when she has to leave her child at daycare to go to work.
I’m not a film major so I have incredibly limited knowledge of techniques so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Chris.P N
Little things like a fore-lock (bang) in front of the camera, the mother wipes it away from her face , the constant looking down to make sure she is presentable, little touches that show the audience the character’s physical appearance. A shot of her looking at herself in a shop window would be awesome, especially if she has to be somewhere special like a job interview or something. Good luck, you can do something really special if you think about it before hand.
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