Question by Colt Segura: What are some good short/independent Horror/Mystery films?
I was just wondering, I am a starting filmmaker and I’d like to watch some good shorts or independent films made by average people not big name directors. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Movie Fanatic
Some of these may be hard to find, I discovered most of them accidently over the years:
Carnival of Souls (1962) – it’s not short (80 min.) but an above average indy. film.
Nightwatch (not sure of the yr.,/ 13 min./ Stonehill Productions/wtn & dir by Michael Steinberg)
The Roommate (31 min./Dir. Francis G. Sassone/ 1980s)
Have you considered watching some of the old TV episodes of Twilight Zone or
Outer Limits? Are you familiar with The Blair Witch Project or the more recent Paranormal
Activity? They aren’t short films but they are good examples of what someone can do with
a little innovation/imagination ability. Good luck.
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