Question by Andrea c: what do i need to develop my own film and how much would it cost?
i decided that i want to be a photographer i think everything about taking pictures is amazing the way there r different types and the many things u can do with them.. well i have a digital camera but i want an actual film camera 16 years old and i want to start my carrier early but before i invest my time and money into a film camera i want to know if i can set up my own little darkroom at home.. i took a photojournalism class in school but the teacher was very youngand he started teaching us about developing and he showed us the dark room put we never got to do it ourselves which was a bummer because i was very interested.. i know the basics but i want to pursue it.
i just want step by step what do i need ..and seeeif i can do it plz…thnx
the thing is i want to continue that class but it was only for one semester and i cant take it again because they wont let me and they wont give me the credit 🙁
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Go to school and take some classes in photography. After you have had a few lectures, you will be shown how to develop film as well as print it.
Until you finish the class, you will not need to buy any equipment, chemistry or anything else.
Attempting to learn how to develop film using the “try and file” method will only instill bad habits .. something you do NOT want to happen
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