Question by maddy: What do you think is better, digital or film photography (please answer if you are qualified)?
I’m a senior in high school and for a project (in order to graduate) I need a direct source in a form of an interview, and if you are willing and qualified (study photography, photography profession, etc) and would like to take a minute to answer a few questions for me that would be amazing. All I need basically is your opinion on film and digital cameras, art, photographers, etc just comparing digital and film or what you prefer and why. It is all opinion based and no one is going to see this except for my teachers at school, so it won’t be published or anything. I just need someone qualified, and I have resulted to asking here because I don’t know anyone who I could interview.
(I’m not sure how legitimate this will turn out to be, but I’m willing to try haha)
Just respond on here and I’ll contact you immediately on here.
Thank you, if you would like to know more detail about what I am doing go ahead and ask. Thank you if you help me!
Best answer:
Answer by Vegas Jimmy
I was a professional photographer for 31 years, all in film.
Film was wonderful stuff, especially large-format black-and-white, but it is now all but obsolete. Digital offers instant results, ease of retouching, and the ability to be instantly transmitted anywhere in the world. It works in much lower light than film, and doesn’t require the production of a paper print to be evaluated, a tremendous financial advantage. It is to be remembered that Kodak and others made their fortunes on the pictures that DIDN’T turn out.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!