Question by Double K: What is an attractive and interesting title for a documentary about Julius Robert Oppenheimer?
This is a short 10 minute documentary. The title should relate to the atomic bomb, Manhattan project, World War 2, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It just needs to be something catchy that makes people want to watch this video.
Best answer:
Answer by muinghan
The Atomic Master Blaster
(old Deborah Harry & Blondie song)
It’s the End of the World As We Know & I Feel Fine
(R.E.M. song)
Now I Am Become Death
(a quote from Oppenheimer in 1965 quoting the Bhagavad-Gita)
The Destroyer of Worlds
(from the same qoute of Oppenheimer from above)
American Prometheus
(the name of a book about Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, 2005)
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