Question by Full Metal Tallit: What scene in the movie Braveheart shows the best example of editing?
I am trying to pick a scene from the film Braveheart for a class presentation on Editing. I think I am going to show the cavalry charge (where the horses are running towards the Scottish and William Wallace is telling his men to “hold…” They then spear the horsed riders.) This scene has very fast paced editing. But I want to make sure that I’m not forgetting about a better display of excellent editing. Is this the scene with the best editing in Braveheart? If not, what is?
Best answer:
Answer by mattsbaby125
Oh excellent movie choice! I would say that is an excellent scene to choose. It is extremely fast paced. Any of the fast paced battle scenes would be a good idea, but that is a really good one. Alot of cuts. Great choice!
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