Question by W123: What should i buy to use with my MacBook Pro? 24″ Cinema Display or 1080p Video camera?
Im 13 and i have a 13″ 2.66Ghz Macbook Pro with Final Cut Studio and Adobe CS5 Master Collection. I use all of them to make visual effects movies for youtube and i plan to make a full (2hr long) movie to send to a film festival.
Problem is, it is extremely hard to use FCS and CS5MC on a 13″ screen. I have an older (2007) Dell moniter, but i don’t think it has adequate resolution to run these programs with good quality. Im considering moving up to the 24″ Cinema Display. I will likely buy it refurbished ($ 600, as opposed to $ 900 new) if i do get it.
Then theres my other option.
Canon VIXIA HF S100 1080p HD 8.5MP 10x Zoom, plus an attachable microphone (i know most cam’s built in mics arent that great) also for $ 600, or maybe $ 700 plus the mic.
I don’t even own a video camera right now. I only use my 4 year old digital camera’s, and my MacBook Pro’s iSight webcam, both of which are not nearly adequate enough for FCS and CS5.
Which do you think would be more important? An excellent display or an excellent camera?
I can afford to get both, but it just takes time and once i get one or the other, it will take a few weeks until i can save up another $ 600 to buy the other one. After this, my new saving project will be the 12-Core Mac Pro (when it comes out, of course), which is another reason why i want to get a good quality display, because my MBP 13″ just isn’t cutting it forbthe power i need to render things quickly and effeciently, and i doubt a 12-Core Mac Pro would have any sort of problems like that. Haha! If its actually put into production, it will be the beast! Hhaha! I like the portability of my MBP though, and thats why i bought it over an iMac.
If you’re wondering how i manage to get all this money, i work for my parents. If i have a goal set, like i do now, i will work as hard as i can for maybe 6 or 7 hours a day every day until i have reached this goal. And i get paid well if i work hard. Thats just how i am. Its not because i’m spoiled or anything
Best answer:
Answer by Dereck T
Lol kid, but no offense you are spoiled as hell to make that much money legally. 99% of 13 year olds never even get 1/3 of what you have. Hobbies are hobbies, but holy shit you are lucky to have them all the way to this extent. Go smoke some weed or something, hangout with a friend, get out of the house D: …
IMO, the camera would be much more important. You already have a nice monitor in your rich kid Mac Book Pro, and $ 600 is a rip. It has 1200p just like any other fancy monitor, typical colors, and a bright LED backlight. You probably won’t listen to me, but an extra $ 300 isn’t worth it just because it’s Apple (oh wait, $ 300 isn’t much to you huh).
A nice camera is needed to film.
And 12-core macs? You know, even the 8-core ones are used only by serious graphic developers? Macintosh’s have the edge on work stations because people making Avatar and Jurassic Park 4 need a lot to keep going. You? No you don’t need more than a quad-core, for WHATEVER you are doing. HD-editing, no; graphic design, no. I would learn more about computers before you spend $ 1000’s of your parents money on one.
Sorry for being snotty. Rich kids who really aren’t as knowledgeable about technology as they think, and don’t realize how spoiled they are bother me. Understand how lucky you are if you really believe in the near future you may have a 12-core Mac. I drug deal at this age, which can take a lot more wits, and a lot more wits in order to make my money. And even then, I don’t smother myself with electronics. I have a nice phone, and iPod Touch, and a Desktop I built myself. Suits me (and yes, like you, electronics are one of my big interests). At least it’s going towards hobbies that can take you somewhere.
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