Question by Anthony13: what would be the best way for me to go about a career in film?
just a little background information so you know my situation. lol
when i was younger i did not exactly make the right choices. once i reached seventh grade i decided to take a TV production class and i loved it. i continued to take TV pro. for three years(into high school). my TV pro. teacher told me that i should tryout film and so i did. now i am a senior and ive taken a total of six years of film & TV pro. the only reason i have not dropped out of school was film. my grades are horrible yet my test scores are above and beyond average and my film work is on par with that of most college & university students.
i was planning on joining the army, not really for film but for the montgomery GI bill(chapter 30) which should help me pay off a good amount of tuition since once i come back i was planning on going to college to earn a degree.
ok, now my problem is that i have no clue to where i should attend. i mean my friends are all planning to attend Full Sail, but personally i think that school is BS. im sure ill learn a couple of “tricks” but thats all. so whats a good school for film?one with a good reputation and how should i go about it? should i do what i had planned and join the military and then move on to film? should i just forget about school and work my way up? i would really appreciate some good answers, specially from someone who is experience and works in the field or is attending a good school.
thanks in advance
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Attend a school like UCLA or USC in the heart of the film industry. Network like a maniac with your fellow students, instructors and visiting guest lecturers.
Volunteer as crew on every production you can while in school. Seniors and Masters candidates all need crew …. this is an excellent time to decide what aspect of film you will eventually want to make your career.
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