Question by Jason: What would be the best way to film this scene with my girlfriend for my media production class ?
My friends and I have decided to get together and make an spoof of everyone’s favorite action comedy movie called Rush Hour. My girlfriend has agreed to be a part of this movie spoof because we needed a young teenage girl to be the hostage just like in Rush Hour. The scene we’re about to film is where the cops deal with the kidnappers to let go of the girl held hostage. My girlfriend is a little uncomfortable with it because we have to tied her up and mouth gagged her with duct tape, which she is scared it will hurt when we take it off. She also asked us what would she do if she needs to use the bathroom during filming because she can’t speak, we just stood and looked at each other. She is willing to film this scene with us but we don’t what’s the best way to make her comfortable. What should she do if she needs to use the bathroom during filming in which she can’t speak or say anything because she is gagged ?? How do I take off the duct tape off her mouth afterwards without hurting her ?? Can anyone please suggest me what sohlud I do ? I really love her and i want to make it comfortable for her. This is a spoof for my media production class’s assignment
Best answer:
Answer by nick k
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