Question by hayaa_bi_taqwa: What would you do with 0,000 (please read details)?
Recently Showtime aired a documentary called Reversal of Fortune, in which filmmakers followed a homeless man who thought the documentary was about life on the streets. Without his knowledge they planted a suitcase with $ 100,000 for him to find with a note: “What would you do with $ 100,000?”
He started off going back to his hometown to rent an apartment, bought a truck, and splurged, splurged, splurged. When the producers realized how fast he was going through his money, they sent a financial advisor to meet with him and discuss his situation. He refused any help and believed that all the adviser wanted was a chunk of his money.
Within 8 months he had spent all of the $ 100,000 and went back to living on the streets.
What would you do if you were in his situation? Try to think realistically rather than idealistically because I’m sure if he were asked the same question, he would give a different answer than what he really did with it.
Why do you think he went through the money so fast?
I tried to find the video online, but no one has it. I think Showtime has all the rights to it and doesn’t want to give it away, lol.
Wiki talks a bit about it. This article also gives a little more insight into his personality and struggles. He was smoking pot but I don’t think he was doing any hard drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by jared l
he went through it all because he doesnt know how to save it, he doesnt trust anyone, and he wants stuff that he’s see’s people wearing and eating all the time.
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