Question by lightning27: Which of the these three would be a great minor for a film major?
I am a sophomore film major at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. I am also into math and anything involving computers, and I was very strong in math back in high school. I don’t want to let these other interests go to waste.
Which of the these is the best minor to go along with my film major? I want to know what looks good when I apply for jobs, especially in film/TV production.
* Computer Science (4 courses)
* Mathematics (4 courses, already fulfilled one by getting a 5 on the AP Calc AB exam)
* Joint Minor in Mathematics and Computer Science (4 courses: 2 in math with one already fulfilled by AP credits, and 2 in computer science)
I’d go for the joint minor, but don’t joint minors usually have disadvantages? This sounds silly, I know, but I’m just wondering. I’d appreciate your help.
NYU DOES offer joint minors.
I already fulfilled a minor in producing thanks to the film department. I just thought I’d get a second minor that could be fulfilled by Tisch’s general education requirements.
Best answer:
Answer by Maggie
1) you should know better than to think you can get joint minors.
2) you should know better than to think a minor offers you enough expertise so as to benefit you in the job market later.
3) a math minor, or major, is totally worthless………. unless you’re going to be a teacher, and then you should know you’d need a teaching degree.
4) it appears you haven’t thought this out very well, or talked to anyone in the counseling office – as they would have warned you that you just can’t go making up degree (major or minor) degree paths
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