Question by John: Why did Che Guevarra set up concentration camps and torture gays?
Guevarra’s first forced labor camp, Guanahacabibes, was set up in western Cuba at the end of 1960. Che explained… it is for people who have committed crimes against revolutionary morals, to a lesser or greater degree (often thought crimes)…. It is hard labor….the working conditions there are hard.”
This camp was the precursor to the eventual systematic confinement, starting in 1965 in the province of Camagüey, of dissidents, homosexuals, AIDS victims, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Afro-Cuban priests, and other such ‘scum’, under the banner of Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción, or Military Units to Help Production.
Herded into buses and trucks, the “unfit” would be transported at gunpoint into concentration camps organized on the Guanahacabibes mold. Some would never return; others would be raped, beaten, or mutilated; and most would be traumatized for life, as Néstor Almendros’s wrenching documentary Improper Conduct showed the world a couple of decades ago.
Why did some Obama campaign offices have posters of this sick monster on the wall as an example of their “liberal” values?
Cuban troops returning from Angola brought AIDS in the 1970s to Cuba.
You might want to find out the facts before you dismiss them out of hand.
Leftists: please explain why your hero tortured gays.
I’m waiting………….
Best answer:
Answer by Freakazoid
He wasn’t up to date on political correctness and didn’t limit his victims to white males.
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