Question by Mr. Happy is Sad: Will 35mm film production severely taper off?
I know the person who told me that film will cease to be manufactured in a few years is a fearmonger, but I cant help but worry, since digital is taking over, and with companies like agfa bankrupt, and kodak making cuts, how much longer does film have? I know it wont die, but I’m worried variety of types will diminish and prices will skyrocket.
PS: The price of silver is going up as well
Best answer:
Answer by Luis
That is a hard question to answer properly but I do think people will continue to shoot on 35mm and 120mm film for quite a while longer. It is cheaper to shoot medium format on film and scan it into a computer than it is to buy $ 10000+ digital back. The quality is also better (at least with medium format). Also, you can buy what was a very high film camera and shoot 35mm for much less than a full frame DSLR. You can buy a Contax G1 camera with lens for about $ 500 and that camera will shoot amazing photos. Film is just fun and will be stay around for while.
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