Question by Someone Else: Question about getting my 35mm film developed w/ digital copies (NYC)?
I shot 3 roles of good old fashioned 35mm film (not professional, kodak 400 color print film). Then I had a few shots left and my boyfriend and I were drunk and he shot me topless/ nude. I’m 22, so it’s not kiddie porn or anything, 2 adults having fun haha. Anyway, I don’t remember which role it was. Where in NYC can I legally get my film processed? I don’t need prints, just digital copies. Is it legal/ a good idea to just bring it to my neighborhood 1 hour photo, or maybe even Duane Reade?
I used to work in Jersey at CVS’s 1 hour photo when I was in high school but all I remember is being told the policy was if we saw anything that looked like it could be underage porn, we had to report it. I never actually saw anything pornographic though. The pictures I took weren’t that pornographic, more artistic but that’s subjective. I just don’t want to go to pick up my pictures and have to talk to the police.
Thanks for any help!
Best answer:
Answer by Tammy
Well take them in yourself and do a one hour place so it’s likely the same person will take them from you, develop them and return them to you. Walgreens is pretty open minded about anything, but if you have doubts explain the story to the clerk. Bare in mind though, once on their system a voyeuristic clerk can help themselves to the files for their own use or internet use!
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