Question by ~Happy~: Question about working in the film industry?
I’d probably be interested in writing and/or editing and producing films ( television possibly but more interested in film and possibly theatre )
I write a lot and am still continuing my college education which is general arts really ( English, psych etc )
If I were to take a film production program for 2 years what could this enable me to do? Do I need to have a mountain of cash to try and work on making films or can I start with writing, editing and assistant director etc?
Advice needed and appreciated! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by SIN
The entertainment industry is all about who you know. The college education isn’t as important as the connections you meet while learning. Students who make it will remember you later, teachers can recommend you to their friends, etc..
I would say one of the best ways to make connections would be getting an internship. Most the time it is working for free, but you will be able to tell what you like and meet people out of it. Are you in LA? You can find internships at CBS, NBC/Universal, Fox, CW, Paramount, just pick a tv show or movie you like and see what company did it.
writing, editing, and producing are all different areas though, so you might have to choose one and pick a path.
You do not need lots of $ $ $ to start, unless you plan on making your own independent features, but being as you seem unsure still I think you should get your feet wet and see what you enjoy.
You can also find gigs on or craigslist.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!