This 1 minute and 30 second animation for Ragnarok Online is produced by two famous production companies in Korea and Japan, “Dr movie” and ” Madhouse”. In addition, Kitakubo Hiroyuki(Production I. G) and Nobuteru Yuuki), two highly recognized animators, also joined in the production. This animation is directed by the well-known Kitakubo Hiroyuki (‘Roujin Z’ , ‘Blood the Last Vampire’), and Original design including character design is done by the famous Nobuteru Yuuki(‘Record of Lodoss War’, ‘Vision of Escaflowne’). The Production staff did an outstanding job in decorating this film with detailed characters and smooth animation. You can now enjoy this opening fully. It is both dynamic and powerful in actions and we give a special on screen thanks to the world¡¯s first class animators who worked on this film.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A minisode of SWAT, which I might make into a miniseries. This new film proves that I am back! I know this is the first film in 2 months- but prepare for plenty more coming soon! FILM NOTES: -Make sure to watch in awesome HD! -Special thanks to Supremedalekdunn! Keatthebeat24 Films 2009 I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC USED IN THIS VIDEO. ALL OF THE RIGHTS ARE TOO THE VARIOUS COMPOSERS AND PRODUCTION COMPANIES THAT HAVE CREATED THESE FANTASTIC SCORES.