specific course of technological advancements Kurzweil predicts the world will experience over the next century. Titled “To Face the Future”, the section is divided into four chapters respectively named “2009”, “2019”, “2029”, and “2099”. In each chapter, Kurzweil makes predictions about what life and technology will be like in that year.
While the veracity of Kurzweil’s predictions beyond 2009 cannot yet be determined, many of the ideas of the “2009” chapter have been scrutinized. To begin, Kurzweil’s claims that 2009 would be a year of continued transition as purely electronic computer memory continued to replace older rotating memory seems to be disproved by continued rapid growth in hard-disk capacity and unit sales, while high-capacity flash drives have yet to catch on in high-volume applications. Nonetheless, solid state storage is the preferred means of storage