— so he simply dropped the usual filmmaking strategy.
Each scene in his ultra-low-key comedy, Stranger than Paradise, is a single take, separated by black leader. There is no cutting in the usual sense. This bold movie required a great deal of cleverness in how the scenes were staged, which actually became a key part of the film’s style and humor. The movie that resulted was, strangely enough, not a gigantic bore but an international hit which turned Jarmusch into the first truly well-known independent director for “arthouse” productions. Though he now works with big name actors like Johnny Depp and Bill Murray, Jarmusch still makes beautiful and somewhat strange films outside the usual Hollywood system…and he still doesn’t use a lot of cuts. Waste not, want not.
Bob Westal represents Nectar, an award winning product development consultancy and industrial design firm helping clients create products that connect to their users and expand their markets. For more information, please visit us at http://www.nectardesign.com
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