Question by PAULA: Recommend some laptops for film editing? (Preferably not macs!)?
I got Adobe Premier elements last year but have rarely used it as it was just too demanding of my poor ageing desktop PC. For my 18th this year my parents have agreed to get me a laptop so I’m using the opportunity to get something that can edit film. Due to my program choice (and personal preferences) I’d prefer a PC, but will opt for a Mac if there genuinely is no alternative. Any ideas? thanks in advance!
Best answer:
Answer by lynx6201
Probably the most important factor for your needs is a decent video card. You can get this in most higher end PC’s or the macbook pro. It comes down to personal preference between the two systems. Just make sure the system has at least a dual core processor for performance, and dedicated video card (most systems will have integrated video, but a dedicated video card is better for your needs)
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