The Red Digital Cinema Camera Company manufactures digital cinematography cameras and accessories for professional and cinematic use. The company’s main product is the Red One, capable of recording at resolutions up to 4096 horizontal by 2304 vertical pixels, directly to flash or hard disk storage. It features a single Super 35-sized CMOS sensor and a cinematography industry standard PL mount. The price of 500 for the basic body[1] is substantially cheaper than many other cameras with this resolution. However it must be noted that this is for the body only, and does not include lenses, batteries/chargers and other essential accessories. Basic cinematography-grade lenses alone range from 00 to 000.[2] Most productions will also require storage and other components.
Profiles teen participants in the Digital Studio media lab at Burton Barr Central Library. Offering film-making, music, graphic design and video game design, the DS lab is the next step in 21st century learning.
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