THE RESISTENCIA HAS BROKEN NICK WHO WAS A MEMBER NOW HAS BECOME A TREAT AND NOW THE RESISTENCIA WILL HAVE SOME NEW MEMBER TO THE TEAM… NONE OTHER THAN FAMOUS CATANO EX MAYOR EL AMOLAO. Song Appearing in the trailer are: Hans Zimmer – Kyrie for The Magdalene (From The DaVinci Code) Marco Beltrani – The Terminator (composed by Brad Fiedel) (From Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines) Clips Used: El Amolao Clip and Comay Voice from SuperXClusivo program created by Cobo Santarosa program currently airs on Wapa PR 4.1 Channel
WINNER!! of Justin Sandercoe’s “most innovative use of a guitar” competition. 🙂 To answer some of the more commonly asked questions: The music was written specially for the film by Loic Desjardins. It doesn’t have a name that I know of and it’s not available anywhere besides this film at the moment. I used a Panasonic NV-GS280 camcorder, Stop Motion Pro, Photoshop and Sony Vegas to make the film. And some Lego. My other Lego films were shot with a Logitech QuickCam Pro 4000 webcam – a pretty cheap alternative. It’s all stop motion – 15 frames per second, so around 1800 frames altogether. I filmed it over about three days, then spent about a day fiddling about editing and masking and stuff. The bouncing ball effect is explained here: Don’t forget you can catch Justin’s guitar lessons at – it’s all free and there’s plenty of videos starting right from the basics. I think that’s about it. Thanks for all the comments so far. Keep them coming
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