Question by chito™: Returning to College After Graduating College?
I am currently 19 yrs old and IM only young.
Right now I am in a technical college in Texas and majoring in Digital Forensics. I am in my second semester and plan on graduating in spring of 2012. It’s a two year Associate’s Program.
I love this major, don’t get me wrong. It’s very awesome and great to be pursuing it. I get to help catch the bad guys and pervs! Lol!
But I also have a passion for filming and video production. I want to go to school for that too and get a degree in it but not an Associate’s degree….a Bachelor’s degree. 🙂
They have this program down at the University of Texas in Austin, Radio-Television-Filming Program. And I love it! I want to go ahead and go do their degree.
But it’s too late now. I am already in my second semester and I must finish my degree in Digital Forensics. So I was thinking about finishing my degree and then going back to pursue my degree in Filiming at UT.
They do have requirements but I can do it. I got this. I have to take transfer courses, so be it. I am going to do this.
The only thing is….is this even common sense? I mean….I am pursuing a degree and then I want to go back to pursue a degree in something else. Isn’t that a little outrageous to anyone? Hey I odn’t mind going for another few years in school anyways. Im a motivated person!
I messed up my years in high school that’s why I have to go to a two year college. My parents were splitting up and all that caused stress and depression and messed me up and I did not tried my best in high school. I graduated with a GPA of 2.9. I tried.
but Im doing better in college and have made the dean’s list twice. Hell I even had several four-year universities send me letters suggesting about transferring to their university.
what do you think? Returning to college to achieve a Bachelor’s in Filming after graduating college with an Associate’s degree in Digital forensics?
I wished I have made a different decision in the first place, so it’s my mistake.
Best answer:
Answer by Chuckles
Moving up to a 4 year school is not “returning to college” but climbing tha academic ladder.Go for it.
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