film co-written and directed by George Clooney, is about the struggle of television journalist Edward R. Murrow and his conflict with the U.S. governments attempt to blacklist suspected communists. Check with your local provider to see if it’s available on satellite TV—you won’t want to miss it!
Sherlock Holmes
This is Robert Downey Jr.’s latest film that came out in 2009. Downey attempts to bring new life into the classic character, with all the old classic catch phrases you might hear from the famous sleuth. Of course old Watson (plated by Jude Law) is right at his side ready to correct him when he’s wrong.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
This film gives a new way to look at film noir, but does so in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. It is based in part on the novel Bodies Are Where You Find Them by Brett Halliday.
Natural Born