Inspired by a true story, “RockBottom” is a short film that was shot, produced and directed locally in the Detroit Metro Area (Dearborn) by AscentTV. The film tells the story of a young man, Adam (played by Jalal Moughania), who loses his way in life from a very young age. Victimized by outside factors controlling the course of his life, Adam decides to take the role of the predator rather than the victim. The film has premiered in several cities across the US including: Dearborn, Canton, Washington DC, and Dallas. Reviews: “I just watched the short film and thought it was great Many shots were fabulous and you can tell you guys put the time into making them great. It showed Overall, I loved it Great Job!” – Whitney Dunn, ACE [Editor for ABC (Super Nanny, Marriage Ref,etc.), NBC, Animal Planet, Cartoon Network] “Wow! From a technical standpoint your work is amazing.” – Mike Mosallam [Director for Film Initiatives, Wayne County] About AscentTV: Produced by Ascent TV, a non-profit local Dearborn-based production house, Ascent TV mentors and trains youth of the local community who are socially-responsible to become industry-certified media professionals. With the goal of producing award-winning documentaries and films that tell real stories, AscentTV has been pioneering in the field of socially-relevant media for the past two and a half years. Support Us Help support AscentTV click here:
Video Rating: 4 / 5