Question by StonerChick: Screenwritter…(my dream)? dream is to become a screenwritter..I want to write movies/films,I believe I have a pretty big imagination and Im even almost done with a book that I started writting about a year ago..I want to put my imagination to use by putting my thoughts and ideas on film for the world to see! this has been a big dream of mine since I was just a little girl..Im now almost 18,I’ll be going to school for sonography as I have an intrestes in ultrasounds but I also want to go to fufill an even bigger dream! what classes should I take so that it will help me to further my career as a screenwritter?? I want all of the classes that will help me further and better my ability at writting films,I would also like to take a class that helps me to record and edit short films???..that way when people read my scripts they also get to watch a piece of it so that they can get the full effect! I want this badly and any help an advice you can give to me please dont hold back!
ohh yea I watch movies all the time! I go to the theatre atleast twice a week! an I watch movies at home I maybe only 17 but I have alot to write about! more then adults…Ive been threw more then anyone could guess..
Best answer:
Answer by Run4it
Use you imagination…Creative writing might be a good idea!
The best thing you could do is watch load an loads of movies.
I make a point of watching at least one a day.
You need to live a lot before you can write anything meaningful.
Most great stories are inspired by life experience.
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