SEEDS OF CHANGE This is a seed movie for documentary film Dance With Destiny. www.dancewithdestinydocumentary.com Bruce Weaver an independent filmmaker journeys into the dream world to paint a picture of our future. “Seeds Of Change” is a message and a warning from those who have a vision of tomorrow. While seemingly bleek with honesty and truth of what we face it is time to face the reality of the situation. We are facing more than just a Global Warming crisis we are facing a crisis in consciousness. We are truly on the brink and the fruit of our seed is something that is needed more than ever from each and every one of us. We must rise to this occasion now. Our guest speakers include Dr. John Todd, Dr. Brian Natrrass and Dr. Peter Russell who help explain the situation we are in and some solutions to our problems. This tapestry of a visual graffatti art from the dreamworld intertwined with our speakers and a situmlating meditative audio track by reknowned shaman musician Byron Metcalf take us on a complelling journey that looks at our situation from many perspeictives including visionaries such as Chief Arvol Looking Horse and Jesse Wolf Hardin. What kind of world are we creating? We as a civilization and a race of human beings are teetering on the edge of the prespice. We must examine our lack of tolerance for others as well as what we are no longer willing to tolerate from those who do not wish to create a truly awakened world that all can live in harmony and peace …
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