destination somewhere on the other side of the blizzard. If you’re not relentless, you’ll never leave the blizzard and your movie will never get made. So be the sled dog — and MUSH ON!
5. There are only solutions.
This could easily be titled “there are only problems.” But where would that get us? Frustrated, hopeless, and drunk. So we need to find a way. No matter what. We’ve postponed our lives, our wives and husbands and children, our friends and family, ruined our credit and exhausted our savings in pursuit of our dream. So we must find the solution in every problem, and they are constant. If you focus on the difficulty instead of a way out, then you’ll fail to make your movie. There’s always a solution.
6. Spend the financier’s money as if it were your own: Don’t be a scumbag.
Karma comes to mind on this one. But let’s say you don’t believe in