that spiritual quackery. Fine. You’ll still want to conserve your budget and spend it on the important stuff — what’s on screen, rather than sushi dinners and a drop-top with twenty inch rims. You’ve starved for years so the temptation to spend a little on yourself and your friends will be there. But don’t rationalize the wasting of some rich person’s money. This money is for you to make the best movie possible. Your movie will last forever; the sushi will last a couple hours, and the car, depending on your driving skills, will either be crashed, stolen, or repossessed. You want to establish trust with your financier. You may need to go back to them for more financing along the way. You also want to make another movie. And if you scrupulously spend your budget you’ll not only make a better movie but you’ll also show future investors your extraordinary ability to make a lot