Question by Bob Ewell: Should I buy a digital slr camera?
I’m in a photography class in high school right now but we use film SLR’s, but i still want to buy digital one. I wouldn’t use the digital one for the class but just to practice becoming a better photographer. Should i wait till the end of the semester when the class is done or buy the camera now?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Wait until you have complete control using your 35 mm camera and all the exposure controls are happening like second nature.
The better you get at using the film camera, the better the bad to good shots ratio. The goal is to get to about a 2:1 shooting ratio, but even 4:1 is great if you are a student.
The longer you wait to buy a DSLR, the higher the technology will be in the camera you eventually do buy … hopefully one that matches the 35 mm camera you already own.
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