Question by rooka2film: Should i move to Los Angeles or San Francisco to get my film career started. I mainly into screenwriting.?
I would like to start my own production company and direct films also. I live near Charlotte,NC and I most definitely know i need to relocate to better my chances to get my writing noticed, but what are some suggestions. Los Angles or San Francisco? NOT INTERESTED IN ACTING!
Best answer:
Answer by Kubrickist
To be a filmmaker, you just need to make good films, submit them to Film Festivals and Distributors and hope to get lucky. You also need a degree in Film at college and uni. You don’t need to go to film school either. Imagine if Spielberg was turned down by some major producer who saw Duel simply because his record didn’t show a Film School qualification – I think he would be the loser!
If you’re still planning to relocate, go for LA and good luck!
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