Directed by: Anthony Hopkins Opens exclusively in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago on Friday, October 26th, 2007. Academy Award® winner Anthony Hopkins writes, directs, and stars in this surreal tale of one man`s journey into a vortex where reality and dreams collide. Aging screenwriter Felix Bonhoeffer (Hopkins) has lived his life in two states of existence—the world of reality and the world inside his head. Hired to rewrite a murder mystery set in a desert diner and unaware that his brain is on the verge of implosion, Felix is politely baffled when the characters from his movie start showing up in his life and vice versa. Felix tries to maintain his equanimity as reality and fantasy collide in an increasingly whirling slipstream, while his memory banks fire off seemingly random references to songs and sci-fi movies from the 1950s. Official Selection — Sundance 2007.
Now available on DVD and Blu-ray! Buy it on Amazon now! Graphic novel also available now exclusively on iPhone/iPad on the Comics by comiXology platform! GKIDS is proud to release the beautiful new animated film from the producers of Triplets of Belleville, now an Academy Award® nominee for Best Animated Feature! For more info: (Oscar and Academy Awards are registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)