Question by .: Someone PLEASE enlighten me on what’s happening to the definition of sex/y: Joaquin Phoenix?
Can someone tell me SERIOUSLY AND HONESTLY what is exactly happening with Joaquin Phoenix???? I’m tending to believe that the whole documentary thing directed by his friend and relative Casey Affleck is true. NOT because I’m doubting his ability as a hip hop artist, but because I just cannot BELIEVE that his acting the way he’s been recently can possibly be genuine.
What’s happening exactly??????????????????????? (x infinity)
Is Joaquin serious, or is the documentary thing true????? Because if you search up Casey Affleck, it actually says (on wikipedia) that he’s directing a documentary about Joaquin in early 2009. i.e. now….! But then you see videos of him everywhere about him being serious about quitting acting to pursue a hip hop career. And along with that he’s grown himself a beard, put on the darkest sunglasses and now looks like a lost drug addict who can’t speak clearly.
what’s GOING ON EXACTLY???????????????? ??????? =(
I’M FRIGGIN’ LOST. Someone please enlighten me. ; (
hahahah anal rose or whatever your name is: do you even know me to assume that my intentions root from obssessing over his every move??? I think not.
You know, trying to make yourself look something not too short of cleverness will only backfire when you’ve got an obvious streak of ignorance such as yours. Why? Because YOU are the one who’s been sitting around obssessing over his every move to even be coming in here answering my question in the first place! Idiots don’t belong on this site. Or anywhere for that matter.
hahahah anal rose or whatever your name is: do you even know me to assume that my intentions root from obssessing over his every move??? I think not.
You know, trying to make yourself look something not too short of cleverness will only backfire when you’ve got an obvious streak of ignorance such as yours. Why? Because YOU are the one who’s been sitting around obssessing over his every move to even be coming in here answering my question in the first place! Idiots don’t belong on this site. Or anywhere for that matter.
and I totally agree, lulu.
Best answer:
Answer by lulu
He is a smart man laughing all the way to the bank with this publicity.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!