Question by Monster Liver: Sophmore in high school who wants to make a independent film.?
I am going to be a sophmore in high school this school year. I am great with acting and stuff but i believe i am more interested in filmmaking. I have a camera but it is very far from professional. Now i don’t have alot of friends but those who i think are my friends would never want to help me. They’ll think it’s lame or stupid. I don’t want to embarress myself. Now i am a great writer to as stories i have written our in the process of being published right now. But how do i do this? locations, actors and people to help? am i a loss cause?
Best answer:
Answer by Jon Glade
You probably aren’t ready yet, and it sounds like you are in a situation where you wouldn’t get much support. Wait until you have graduated and then consider your options. I would advise you to not to try to make a feature length independent film because that would clearly be beyond your abilities (and your means as well). There are film competitions for short films and you would be better served spending the next few years learning how to really write (I’m afraid you aren’t going to get anything published soon if you can’t construct a sentence better than one in which you attempted to explain that you write well, although I can see that for a sophomore in high school you undoubtedly write better than ninety per cent of your classmates), and coming up with solid ideas for good short films. If you still want to try your hand at film making in a few more years, then try your hand at it.
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