A 150 second film on The Salvation Armies work to combat people trafficking. A thriving tourist industry and rural poverty coupled with long term conflict have turned Sri Lanka into an international centre for human trafficking. Western paedophile sex tourists abuse the island’s nearly 40000 child prostitutes, mostly boys. Vulnerable women are bought and sold for domestic and sexual exploitation. One million children are labour slaves. The Salvation Army plans to prevent tracking by setting up community education programmes to raise awareness of the tactics of traffickers and provide legal representation and vocational training for the rescued, offering support to people like Lydia. A single mother, Lydia saw overseas work as a chance to support her daughter. Instead she was trapped into life as a domestic and a sex slave. Now back in Sri Lanka, following horrific injuries and the intervention of the authorities, she is being given care and support by the Salvation Army. Find out more at www.salvationarmy.org.uk/id Film produced by Swordfish Production Company. STOP THE TRAFFIK – PEOPLE SHOULDN’T BE BOUGHT & SOLD Can you help? Want to Sign the Petition? Add a banner to your website etc? link below: www.stopthetraffik.org
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is a music video for ‘Soon My Work Will Be Over’ by Blind Willies, off of their new album, ‘Needle, Feather and a Rope.’ Check the Blind Willies out on their face book page at www.facebook.com and you can check out Isaac Pingree’s site at www.lagoonside.com. We shot this video using a Canon 5D with a 16-35mm zoom lens and a Panasonic AF100 with a 50-150mm zoom lens.
Video Rating: 5 / 5