Super Junior – Wonder Boy (Movie “Attack on the Pin-up Boys”) Attack on the Pin-Up Boys, also known as Flower Boys’ Series of Terror Events or simply Flower Boys, is a 2007 South Korean high school mystery/comedy film and is the first film produced by SM Pictures, a subsidiary of SM Entertainment. The film stars every member of Super Junior, not including Kyuhyun because of the car accident on the 19, April 2007. ~ Summary ~ After the unusual attack on a school flower boy (heartthrob / pretty boys) on February 14, the same attacks began to happen at different high schools on every month of the same day. Rumors say that the next victims will be at Neulparan High School. The studious student Kibum decides to investigate the matter, blogging all of the terror events on the 14th of each month, causing the event to become a hot topic within the student body. After several attacks, Kibum predicts that the next victim will be either Siwon, president of the student body; Heechul, president of the dance club; or Kangin, the captain of the Judo Team. ~ Cast and characters ~ Kibum, the narrator and “boy detective” and the attacker Siwon, the student body president Heechul, the Ultra Junior president Kang-in, the Judo Society captain Donghae, the Ultra Junior member and Kibum’s best friend Eunhyuk, the Judo Society member Shindong, the Ultra Junior member Ryeowook, the student body vice president / School Panda mascot (uncredited) Sungmin, Flower Boy Victim #1, the popular pretty boy …
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